The Creary Family Foundation
Our History
Dr. Ludlow Creary’s service to the community began in 1971, when he and fellow physician Dr. George Jackson, Sr. spearheaded the opening of the historic West Adams Hospital in Los Angeles. The pioneering facility was the first of its kind to be owned and operated by black physicians in California, providing more than 1,000 jobs to the minority community.
At the same time, Dr. Creary was involved in the creation of Martin Luther King, Jr. Hospital in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The hospital opened its doors in 1972 and was heralded as a symbol of the civil rights movement’s success. Dr. Creary spent more than 25 years at the hospital and assisted in the founding of a Specialty Board in Family Medicine which provided primary health care to tens of thousands of patients in the largely Black Willowbrook and surrounding communities.